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We're looking for your input on the future of the St'át'imc nation. We're launching a facebook contest to encourage all St'at'imc to become involved, have their voices heard, & come up with positive solutions for their community and/or nation. This is a great opportunity for members to express their opinions & generate ideas on moving forward together.

Find out more here:

Good luck!

Word on the Street: Are we surrendering title and rights to our land?

Rumour: "We'll be surrendering title and rights to our lands."

There is no surrender or extinguishment of aboriginal title and rights through the St'át'imc Hydro Agreement.

The agreement only settles for impacts of current facilities. No rights, title, or ownership is being extinguished.

In addition to settling impacts, the agreement includes a water use plan to benefit salmon, and a relationship agreement giving us a say in future Hydro operations in our territory. The relationship agreement also includes provisions for education, training, jobs, and contract opportunities for our members. These are all items that our Chiefs fought hard for in the agreement, over and above the impact settlement.

St'át'imc members will continue to own title and rights to their land; surrendering this was not a part of the discussions or negotiations. BC Hydro is being given right of way and access to their existing facilities, along with the right to upgrade and maintain existing facilities. This agreement provides compensation for past, present, and future impacts of current facilities only. It provides for continuing processes between the St'át'imc and BC Hydro, so St'át'imc title and rights will be respected going forward from here on in.

This settlement addresses BC Hydro and the province's legal obligation to consult and accommodate St'át'imc title and rights associated with impacts caused by the placement, construction and operation of their Facilities. If BC Hydro wants to add new facilities in the future, they will need to consult and get permission from St'át'imc.

Bottom Line: St'át'imc are giving BC Hydro permission to use the land ONLY for their electricity business, and ONLY on their existing facilities.

Be sure to check out the other "Word on the Street" posts: 

  1. Will the chief get a bonus on a ‘Yes’ vote?
  2. Will the communities have a say in the Trust?
  3. Will members off-reserve benefit from this agreement?
  4. Are we surrendering title and rights to our land?
  5. Can we reach a better deal in the courts?