New Website Content

We've been working hard updating our website with interesting and relevant information for St’át’imc members. 

We've moved SGS staff from being all on one page to being listed under the Program or Organization for which they work. There are many new pages, and some pages that have had some name changes, as well as additional content added to them.

Programs is a new page with sub pages for each of the programs under the SGS, including; Education and Training, Fisheries, Heritage and Culture, Stewardship, and the SGS Environment Program.

Under Education and Training, you can learn about the new education and training programs being offered by SGS, along with the information about who is on the SET committee. There is also new information about Work Site Skills Training Partners Roles and Responsibilities, and the labour market study that was produced for SGS late 2012.

Under Stewardship, which will provide you with information about Stewardship, Terms of Reference for the St’át’imc Advisory Committee (SAC) and reports.

Some of the previous pages have been renamed to better describe the information on them. The Organizations page changed from Programs/Initiatives, and contains sub pages for St’át’imc Government Services (SGS), St’át’imc Eco-Resources, the Trust, and Nk’yap.

The SGS sub page now has a description, with annual reports and a staff page. Information is also now available for the St’át’imc owned and operated communications company Nk’yap, with information about the services offered, as well as links to the website and Facebook Page.

For each of the communities, we've update their pages with information about the communities, current Chief and Council members, added their logos and provided links to their websites. 

We hope these changes are helpful in providing everyone with information about what's been happening in our communities.