Summary of T'it'qet Info Session

 The very first meeting launched in the T'it'qet Community, with about a head count of 30 Community Members. As people started filling the seats, Chief Kevin Whitney Opened up the meeting by asking Elder Ceda Scotchman to lead in a prayer. Shortly after, everyone went around the table with brief introductions of who they were, where they were from etc. Brenda Gaertner (St'at'imc Legal Council) than discussed with the people about the St'atimc Hydro Agreement.

Brenda reminded everyone that she was not their to SELL the Agreement, but to present it to the community, so they can are able to make an informed decision. Members have expressed their concerns about IR#5 and the return of their land, she reassured them of this. Elders wanted closure, as they waited a long time for this settlement to take place.  
Later after lunch, Lorrinda James (SHA -Communications Officer) Showed a summary of the Agreement through slide show, in which Brenda answered concerns from Membership.
Over-all it was a very well produced meeting, people seemed to walk out of their with more knowledge of the agreement, and majority was in favour of Moving Forward.