Summary of Sek'we'lwas Info Session

by Jenilee McDonald

The open house and information session January 12, 2011 at the Sek'wel'was Community turned out great!
The vibe in the air was positive. The community members were walking in with a positive attitude and smiles. The St'at'imc Hydro team were welcomed with respect.
Philomena Thevarge opened with a prayer, and Chief Perry Redan than began voicing his concerns about the impacts Hydro had in the Sek'wel'was community (Loss of agriculture, canal built in the community in which 20 acres was taken to build, and that it impacted fisheries, and the nation as a whole). Perry then introduced the agreement and talked about the benefits to the community, including more employment opportunities.
Questions and concerns from Sek'wel'was Community:
"Can we amed these agreements?"
"Can we re-vote?"
"The money that is going into the trust, is it for the Nation or the Community?"
Overall, Sek'wel'was left the information session with a better understanding of their agreement, and we look forward to hearing back from members.